Effective email marketing
Emailing customers and prospective customers has long been an extremely effective Digital Marketing medium. Below are some reasons why we would recommend email marketing to our clients:
- Potential Customers - 95% of online users have an active email account, with 91% checking their email at least once daily. With over 3 billion email accounts there is huge potential to reach potential customers. (Source: Exact Target)
- Cost - The cost of designing an email is relatively small. To email to your own customer database to communicate about up-selling, cross-selling and re-ordering existing products or services is likely to ensure a decent ROI.
- Delivery - In comparison to Social Media posts, which are viewable on average for a time-period of 2 hours, an email message will sit in a recipients inbox until it is read.
- Personalisation - you can personalise an email, not only by including a "Dear John", but by making it relevant to the customer based on customer groups and/or personas, or indeed on an individual level. Personalised emails typically have a much greater success rate.
- Measurement - We can track the total emails sent, opened, read and which links they clicked on. Each visit to the website can also be tracked to ascertain if they made an actual enquiry or purchase. These measurements can be used to compare the success of different email campaigns and holistically, against other Digital Marketing and Online Advertising media.
“There is no formula for the perfect email – Authentic and honest messaging works”
Email Marketing Management
Blue Shark Digital can assist in the management of email campaigns. From the initial brief and message, data requirements, broadcast and measurement, we can assist any aspect of indeed the entire process. Email Marketing is a very cost-effective and targeted form of digital marketing that, when managed correctly, can have a significant return on investment for businesses.
Ezine Marketing
Ezines or electronic brochures/magazines that can be downloaded directly from your website or broadcast via email to recipients. Ezines are very effective when you wish to communicate a range of marketing messages and/or promote your range of product or services, much like a print magazines or catalogue would, without the print costs . With the ability to include links, video and other rich media, all of which can be tracked as to their interaction and conversion to sales or enquiries, Ezines are an extremely effective media when used correctly by suitable organisations or businesses.
Measurement and Conversion Tracking
With all digital campaigns and activities, tracking and measurement is key. Blue Shark Digital will produce high-level and granular reports to assess the performance of email marketing activity.